Information and communication technologies are entrenched in the digital world we live in today. As educators, we need to teach children to use technology safely and responsibly.
We teach students digital citizenship and how to use information and communication technologies ethically, creatively and for the good of humanity. Lessons are taught in each year level and students learn how to use technology including iPads, laptops, BeeBots, coding software, robotics and digital collaboration platforms.
The goal is to empower students to not just use technology as a consumer, but to be a responsible digital citizen who knows how to create, collaborate, communicate, work and live ethically in our online world.
The 1-1 device program is in place for Years 4-6. Integrated into the learning across the curriculum, students are taught to use their devices in the classroom and how to access their learning and project work remotely.
Please see the Mater Dei Primary School, and Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office Acceptable Usage Agreeents: